Bowling club
Since March 2019 we have been a part of a Youth Training Centre – TCM ProBowling, which is led by Ms. Eva Burianová. Ms. Burianova was on the Czech bowling team in 2016 and holds both European ETBR and US USBC coaching certifications. Eva Burianová is under the guidance of her mentor Costas Mitsingas. Costas is one of the few coaches in the world with the highest coaching certifications from both the European Bowling Federation ETBF and the US USBC.
TCM ProBowling is partially funded by the Czech Bowling Association (CBA). Thanks to this funding we will be able to buy special training tools for the children, small rewards, but above all their training will have a precise structure and guidance of Ms. Burian. Likewise, our coaches will attend regular training sessions so that they can pass on the latest knowledge from the world of bowling to your children.
1.) Bowling club for beginners and intermediate bowlers
On Monday 7 September 2020 we will hold the first lesson of our bowling club for Beginners and Intermediate, which is primarily for children aged 5 to 18. The club sessions will take place every Monday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in our Bowling Brno game room.
Every Monday from 7 September 2021 until the end of January 2022.
1 200 CZK/Half-term
2.) Sport bowling
Sports bowling is meant for children who want to play bowling at a sports level, i.e. they will play local, regional and national tournaments as well as play in the highest leagues. The club will start on 7 September 2021. The session times are 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm, exact time is set after consultation with coach Eva Burianova. Sessions will take place every Monday and Wednesday.
Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 September until the end of January 2022.
2 400 CZK/Half-term
How to apply?
Simply write an email on the address: please
write the word BOWLING in the subject line, and then your child's first and
last name and year of birth, your contact details and that's it.
We look forward to meeting your kids!
BéBéčko team